A Toast to the New Year

New Year's resolutions are a classic. They are done and by next week they are already forgotten.
But we all like to think that closing a year really gives us the possibility to turn a page and to start afresh with something new.
2022 was a difficult year, with the virus, high inflation, the war in eastern Europe all bringing more than the normal dose of sorrow and grief.
While there is not an immediate end in sight to all these tribulations, and although we feel that our own resolutions have only a limited impact on these global events let’s nevertheless focus on what we can do better, let us focus on improving our relationships.
Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, who was one of the forerunners with his studies on human happiness, tells us what we already know, that the key to a happier life is the quality of our relationships, as measured by their depth, length and reliability.
Let us resolve that we will nurture and develop them over the next twelve months.
This is our wish to you for a peaceful 2023.