The Power of Handmade

The Power of Handmade

Handmade pieces fully show the power of the human spirit and its propensity to create. But handmade is a term that has become too mainstream these days. Handmade, handcrafted, hand-skilled are some of the words you hear in your everyday life. What is a real handmade product?

Each handmade product is unique- Each and every handmade product is unique in itself. It can never be an exact replica of another like other machine-made products which are all the same. Handmade comes from a special place of heart. It’s not mechanical but emotional, something that is made with care and compassion, beauty, desire and hope

Keeps the craft skills and tradition going- What about restoring the human skills that is going loose in this fast-paced life and desire to see quick results. By supporting artisans we are helping them to pass their skills to the next generation.

Handcrafted Products are worth more- Our mattresses sewn entirely by hand require two days of expert craftsmen. The expertly stiching ties the materials and springs together to create a durable product that will follow you for a lifetime.

Handcrafted products can meet your needs better- Our mattresses are produced one by one by expert craftsmen who follow the wishes of the client. We can vary the padding materials depending on the location of where the mattress will be placed, the shape and the upholstery fabric to obtain a unique object tailored to a specific customer.

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