The Beauty Sleep

The Beauty Sleep

Losing precious hours of sleep impairs physical strength, lowers the immune defenses and reduces concentration. Sleeping too little or sleeping  badly increases the levels of inflammatory proteins in the blood and ultimate the risks for the heart .

Sleep is also of paramount importance for the well-being and beauty of the skin.The night is a time for the skin to heal and repair itself and this is something that takes time. With at least six or seven hours of sleep  the skin has more chances of recovery than during the day.

Before going to bed, the perfect pre-sleep ritual would include a deep cleansing that should be done  as soon as possible  after dinner.  It would also include a proper exfoliation, to help dead cells give way to new ones: between 11pm and 12am the subcutaneous microcirculation is at its highest level. Even a regenerating mask would have an excellent effect in this time slot. And if you choose a moisturizing mask, it is better to leave it on at this point all night. After midnight, cellular activity starts and the layers of the epidermis work for reconstruction.

For your beauty sleep your mattress and pillow are also very important. Here is what we  would recommend:

The Capri sleeping system, designed to support different sleep positions: side sleeper , back sleeper, stomach sleeper.

A pillow designed to eliminate pressure points and avoid the pillow-wrinkles: Kapok +micro springs. This amazing pillow comes with three different  detachable layers to get your perfect pillow. Two outer layers are made of kapok, the vegetable silk, and the inner core of the pillow is made of micro-springs and wool.

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