If the Number was enough

If the number of springs was the most important thing everyone would be able to make exceptional mattresses. But, sorry, that's not the case. An exceptional product is built by bringing together three important factors: the craftsmanship, the best materials, the best blend of springs.
About the artisans, our Italian artisans are small workshops that have been doing that job for generations, as often happens in Italy. They are our heritage and our pride.
For the materials we create unique blends with a great variety of natural materials, being sure that they come from cruelty free farms. The well-being of the animals means better materials and in the end, your well-being.
The springs... it’s enough with this tale that the more springs the better. It depends on how the springs are used, on how many layers. So no longer ask how many springs there are. As in the Rolls Royce, which does not declare the horsepower of their engines, there are enough springs in our mattresses for you to sleep perfectly.
Each of our mattresses is the result of these three things, to make you sleep like babies.